A zafu is a meditation cushion. Spend a few minutes of sitting quietly and grounding yourself, bringing your mind gently to the present and acknowledging, then dismissing, all the chaos of your head. These few minutes have great benefits: for your health, your family, your sense of well-being and happiness.
I just finished painting a lotus on this zafu, in copper and gold. The lotus is a symbol of purity and beauty that is grounded in reality...the lotus flower is rooted in mud. I'm loving how this painting turned out. The next step is painting the zabuton, a large rectangular pillow on which the zafu sits. Then you sit on the zafu, resting your folded legs on the zabuton.
Lovely. I like the colors very much, and I especially like the subtle shading of light to dark as the eye moves out from the center. Very restful and calming.