Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fragrant Evening Hymn

Last one!

The line is "Tearmann's peasant voices swell, in fragrant evening hymn."

"Fragrant Evening Hymn." 11x14 watercolor. NFS.

The thing I wanted to avoid doing was to have a painting of a bunch of people with their mouths open, like a hokey Christmas plywood lawn decoration. And I couldn't do another chapel window! So this one was hard to conceive. Finally I decided to use a gothic arch of some kind as the structure of the painting, to evoke the idea of the church and hymn without being literal. My husband suggested trees, but I couldn't fit them into the narrative easily, so I hit upon this idea, based on a gothic arch with three or four left-leaning arcs crossed by three or four right-leaning arcs. The houses in the picture continue the pattern.  And I hope the figures continue the narrative.

Now for the truly hard work of packaging this thing and trying to find someone to publish it!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, peaceful, and whimsical. I love the colors (again!) and the composition. I am so looking forward to seeing the book! :-)
