Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Angel Dreams

I am only one painting away from being done with this lullaby project! (Assuming I don't decide to re-paint any of the images.)

Here is the painting for the last verse, which goes:

"A leanbhan O, the low bell rings
my little lamb to rest,
and angel dreams, till morning sings
its music in your breast."

"Angel Dreams." 11x14 watercolor. NFS.

I especially like this painting because the first iteration was so horrible, and I scrubbed all the paint off, leaving an interesting "underpainting" on which I painted my second effort. Sometimes I need to stop caring about the results, the paper, and the paint, and screw the whole thing up until I can relax and do what I want rather than what I think should be done. In this case, what I wanted was to pick up my watercolor crayons and sketch a bunch of wild botanical shapes over the colorful remains of my first painting. I think it worked. Don't ask why this kid fell asleep among a bunch of thistles without even a blanket. It's art. :-)

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